Sleeve All

Sleeve-Alls are pre-assembled expanding sleeve anchors for use in all types of hollow and solid base materials. These anchors are available in acorn, hex, rod coupler, flat or round head styles for a wide range of applications.

SKU: Sleeve-All Categories: ,


Sleeve-Alls are pre-assembled expanding sleeve anchors for use in all types of hollow and solid base materials. These anchors are available in acorn, hex, rod coupler, flat or round head styles for a wide range of applications.

Mechanical Anchors Overview

Our high performing range of steel mechanical expansion and screw anchors is designed for simple, effective and reliable use in brickwork, blockwork, stone, standard and reinforced concrete and general masonry substrates and are equally at home fixing simple battens and timber structures, to anchoring heavy duty racking, steel fabrications, structural steelwork and heavy plant and machinery.

The following anchors comprise the most popular selection from our range, our sales and technical departments are always available to handle any enquiries outside our standard range along with any technical support required for anchor selection or installation advice.

Technical Data & MSDS

Sleeve All Technical Data

Sleeve All MSDS