Isopropyl Alcohol

Isopropyl alcohol is a colourless, combustible liquid with a wide variety of uses. It has a wide range of uses in the home and is used in laboratories, in medicine, and in many manufacturing industries. Two of its most popular uses are as a solvent and a cleaning fluid. This alcohol does have some toxic properties, however, so people should be careful when they use it.

SKU: Seamless-Epoxy-1-6 Categories: ,


Isopropyl alcohol is a colourless, combustible liquid with a wide variety of uses. It has a wide range of uses in the home and is used in laboratories, in medicine, and in many manufacturing industries. Two of its most popular uses are as a solvent and a cleaning fluid. This alcohol does have some toxic properties, however, so people should be careful when they use it.

Technical Data & MSDS

Isopropyl Alcohol Technical Data

Isopropyl Alcohol MSDS

Product Name Isopropyl Alcohol
CAS# 67-63-0
Synonym Propyl Alcohol
Pack Size Not available
Physical state and appearance Liquid
Colour Colourless
Odour Alcohol-type odour
Vapour Pressure [hPa] 20°C 32.8 at 68.0 F
Flash point [°C] 55.00F
Final boiling point [°C] 179.90F
Auto-ignition temperature [°C] 540
Explosions limits – lower [%] 2.5
Explosions limits – upper [%] 12.1
Density 2.1 g/cm3
Solubility in water [g/100ml] No data.