Hydrochloric Acid (HCL)

Hydrochloric acid (HCL) is a colourless to pale yellow and highly pungent solution of hydrogen chloride and water. Once commonly referred to as muriatic acid or spirit of salt, this acid is a highly corrosive chemical compound with several applications in industry. It is also found in diluted amounts in the stomach of humans and animals as gastric acid.

SKU: Hydrochloric-Acid Categories: ,


Hydrochloric acid (HCL) is a colourless to pale yellow and highly pungent solution of hydrogen chloride and water. Once commonly referred to as muriatic acid or spirit of salt, this acid is a highly corrosive chemical compound with several applications in industry. It is also found in diluted amounts in the stomach of humans and animals as gastric acid.

Technical Data & MSDS

Hydrochloric Acid Technical Data

Hydrochloric Acid MSDS

Product Name Hydrochloric Acid
CAS# 7647-01-0
Synonym Hydrogen Chloride; Chlorohydric Acid
Pack Size Not available
Physical state and appearance Liquid
Colour Colourless to light yellow
Odour Irritating/pungent
Vapour Pressure [hPa] 20°C 14.5
Flash point [°C] Not applicable
Final boiling point [°C] 108°C
Auto-ignition temperature [°C] Not available
Explosions limits – lower [%] Not available
Explosions limits – upper [%] Not available
Density 1123 kg/cm3
Solubility in water [g/100ml] Complete