Conplast X421 is a formulated blend of inorganic plasticisers. It is supplied as a red coloured liquid instantly dispersible in water. When added to concrete mixes it acts as a powerful dispersing agent enabling the water content to perform more efficiently, by causing the cement particles, which tend to agglomerate, to disperse and expose a larger surface area. The hydration reaction can proceed more efficiently with less water. The use of Conplast X421 will promote water reductions of 10% or more giving a denser concrete of significantly reduced permeability.
To ‘waterproof concrete’ and cement/sand mixes such as structural and precast concrete, renderings, brickwork mortar, screeds and granolithic toppings. Ideal for swimming pools, sea walls, tunnels, basements, etc.
Waterproofing Admixture
Admixtures Overview
Admixtures are materials other than cement, aggregate and water that are added to concrete either before or during its mixing to alter its properties, such as workability, curing temperature range, set time or colour.
Some admixtures have been in use for a very long time, such as calcium chloride to provide a cold-weather setting concrete. Others are more recent and represent an area of expanding possibilities for increased performance.
Not all admixtures are economical to employ on a particular project. Also, some characteristics of concrete, such as low absorption, can be achieved simply by consistently adhering to high quality concreting practices.
Technical Data & MSDS
Conplast Prolapin X421 Technical Data
Conplast Prolapin X421 MSDS