To produce increased workability without loss of strength, increased strength without loss of workability, or cement reduction without loss of workability or strength. Conplast PA21 is a chloride-free air entraining admixture based on selected sugar reduced lignosulphonates and compatible surface active agents. It is supplied as a brown solution which instantly disperses in water.
Air entraining and water reducing admixture – To produce air entrained concrete for increased durability and resistance to damage by frost and deicing salts.
Air Entrainer
0.25 kg -0.60 litres/ 100 kgs of cement
Admixtures Overview
Admixtures are materials other than cement, aggregate and water that are added to concrete either before or during its mixing to alter its properties, such as workability, curing temperature range, set time or colour.
Some admixtures have been in use for a very long time, such as calcium chloride to provide a cold-weather setting concrete. Others are more recent and represent an area of expanding possibilities for increased performance.
Not all admixtures are economical to employ on a particular project. Also, some characteristics of concrete, such as low absorption, can be achieved simply by consistently adhering to high quality concreting practices.
Technical Data & MSDS
Conplast PA21 Technical Data
Conplast PA21 MSDS